After being on the national waiting list for a liver transplant for 3 years and 5 months, the Veterans Administration transported me to the V.A. Transplant Lodge in Vancouver, WA where veterans who are critical wait for an organ to become available. The lodge has 30 double occupancy rooms with TV, fridge and private bath. There is also 3 communal kitchens, a computer room and exercise room. I was there for a period of 3 months and 14 days. Most of the veterans there were seriously ill, but still it was a very positive environment with fellow veterans doing all we could to support and encourage each other during this period of pain, suffering and anticipation. We lost many of our fellow vets who lost their battle while waiting for a transplant. The saddest thing was to wake up and find the room of one of the vets open, empty and cleaned out, the sign that they had passed!
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